Friday, April 11, 2008

26 April Whitefish Point IBA Recognition Ceremony

On Saturday April 26, 2008, Whitefish Point will be recognized as an Important Bird Area for its significant concentrations of migrant waterbirds. This event will take place at the annual Spring Fling banquet at 4:45 PM at the Paradise Community Center. Tickets, which cost $35/adult and $15/child, are required and limited in number, so please sign up soon. Visit for the sign up form. Several dignitaries have been invited, and there will be a short ceremony highlighting the IBA and its birds, followed by a ribbon-cutting and photo op.

Huge numbers of Red-necked Grebes fly by the point into Whitefish Bay each fall, using the open waters of Lake Superior as a migration corridor during this part of their journey. This represents as much as 25-45% of the estimated North American population, a huge concentration by any measure. Other significant species include Common Tern, loons, waterfowl of many species, and Bonaparte’s Gulls. Whitefish Point is not currently recognized as an IBA for its migrant songbirds and raptors, because these criteria have not yet been finalized. Whether the point meets thresholds for any of these species will be announced at a later date.

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